It’s spring time, and as the old saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. In recent years, in terms of fashion, rain gear for men and women have become more stylish and fashion forward. But in the practical sense, rain gear is designed to keep you dry. There are two basic types of materials that will do the trick. There are natural materials like leather and canvas, and synthetic materials like nylon or polyester.
Wax canvas is a material that dates back hundreds of years, as in sails for ships. Waxed canvas is naturally water repellent, and is a great material for stylish rain coats. Synthetic materials like nylon will protect you from the elements and channel moisture to the outside, away from your body. Various companies use special technology to make sure their products are fully waterproof.
The North Face is a company that specializes in outerwear and equipment. They are extremely popular for their jackets. The North Face Women’s Resolve Rain Jacket is made of 100% nylon RipStop Hyvent material. This waterproof, breathable jacket is especially equipped to handle any type of rough and wet weather. The jacket is seam sealed to keep out any type of moisture. Other sure fire features to keep you dry are adjustable elastic cuffs and hem cinchord. When the weather clears the hood can be adjusted into the collar. A mesh lining will help heat escape, and let cool air circulate. There a two zippered hand pockets The jacket is 27 inches long.
The North Face also offers great rain wear for men. A type that is available is Men’s Gray Harbor Insulated Parka. This stylish jacket has the special feature technology that utilizes a polyurethine coating that has a tri-component formula for extra added waterproof protection. The Dryvent technology offers protection in rain and snow. It repels wet weather and redirects water vapor. This is a perfect jacket for climbing and skiing.
The jacket has flap pockets at the chest and waist. They have velcro closure. At the sleeve there is a metro pass pocket. There is a central front zipper
Even when winter finally slips away there can still be the need for boots when rainy weather gets out of hand. Hunter has a great line of fashionable boots for women. The Hunter Women’s Original Short Rain Boot has a classic style that is sleek and streamlined. The shaft measures 16 inches from the arch. There is a close toe design and rubber soles. Special features are a quick drying nylon lining and a sturdy grip sole.
Hunter has the Original Tall Rain Boot for men crafted from the designs worn by pioneers during the early 20th century. The current brand is handcrafted from 28 parts. The boot provides exceptional fit, and has vulcanized rubber that guarantees protection from the weather.
Click on the links provided to see the rain coats and rain boots we have to offer!